Routine Portfolio Analysis Helps Optimize Performance
Portfolio analysis is a process in which your credit union’s investment portfolio is examined for performance value and potential. The information garnered from regular, comprehensive analysis is used to guide a future course. Routine analysis helps your credit union not only determine areas of concern before they become complicated problems, but it also helps you pinpoint areas of success so you can take timely advantage of opportunities.
Routine, comprehensive portfolio analysis helps you:
Deliver more A+ performances more often
Pinpoint areas of untapped earnings potential
Avoid unnecessary risk exposure
Credit unions often build investment portfolios independent of the balance sheet, acquiring investments as dealers make them available. Reviewing the entire portfolio’s performance on a scheduled basis prevents leaders from jumping on investments that may look like opportunities, but in truth, may throw off asset/liability balance, create unnecessary risk exposure, and steer the credit union away from its goals. When investment managers understand how every component of the portfolio has performed and is performing—from both a capital-at-risk and an expected-return point of view—investment decisions are more likely to enhance performance.
Portfolio analysis helps credit union managers and asset liability committee members make more informed and more goal-aligned balance sheet liquidity/risk management decisions. It helps credit union CEOs and CFOs determine if the credit union is on track to achieve its performance benchmarks. It allows leaders to pinpoint areas that have performed well and not so well, shedding light on what is working and what is not. Regularly scheduled portfolio analyses by highly trained investment and risk experts are key to ensuring performance success.
How will QuantyPhi help your credit union?
Expert portfolio analysis takes time, skills, and sophisticated data processing technology. Portfolio analysis is one of our specialties, and because of that, we can devote more attention and more time to performance examinations than most credit union leaders. We have highly-trained analysts whose sole mission is to find ways to make credit unions more successful. We also house high-powered analysis technology most credit unions cannot afford. Who you partner with for financial services MATTERS. Call QuantyPhi today at (414) 433-0176.
Webinar recordings are available for review. Please fill out the contact us form to request a recording.
May 17, 2023 - Building and Managing a Successful Investment Portfolio
QuantyPhi reviews best practices for establishing and managing a credit union investment portfolio. The review includes an overview of the roles the portfolio can play to support your credit union’s success. Establishing clear goals, implementing measuring tools to maintain status of income and risk, and methods to supplement liquidity management are all be discussed.
July 21, 2021 - Enhanced QuantyPhi Analytics
QuantyPhi is excited to introduce new portfolio analytics and enhanced security analysis tools. The portfolio tool allows you to clearly see the effects of purchasing or selling securities on your portfolio’s projected performance across a range of interest rate scenarios, and further allows you to optimize your portfolio to get aligned with your chosen benchmark. The enhanced security analysis tool highlights the importance of prepayment projections on mortgage bond performance and allows you to customize prepayment vectors to shock assumptions under extreme scenarios. Listen to this webinar and find out how we can help you make informed investment decision to benefit your credit union.
*Securities offered through Concourse Financial Group Securities, Inc. (CFGS), Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Concourse Financial Group Advisors, a DBA for CFGS, a Registered Investment Advisor. QuantyPhi, LLC. is independent of CFGS.
**Securities offered through Concourse Financial Group Securities, Inc. (CFGS), Member FINRA/SIPC. QuantyPhi, LLC. is independent of CFGS. Check the background of your financial professional on FINRA’s BrokerCheck
***For a copy of CFGS’s Form CRS please visit: